Yoga is well known for its benefits in reducing stress, managing tension and improving focus. It is for this reason that CoolFit encourages its practice, especially in employees of large companies.
In this regard, CoolFit has organized a special yoga event for Wingam employees.
The last day of the work week for Wingam employees turned into a calming and invigorating yoga session. The CoolFit-organized Hatha yoga session, led by certified teacher Magdalena Ivanova, was held at the Wingam office on Friday, July 29.
The Hatha yoga session, demonstrated different breathing techniques to Wingram employees, went through different yoga asanas and ended with a short meditation to regain the employees’ strength and calm at the end of the week.
A prize draw was also held during the event, from which the two winners won a free one-month CoolFit subscription.
We at CoolFit support active lifestyles and will continue to organise events of this type.
Anyone wishing to keep active on weekdays still has the opportunity to take advantage of their CoolFit corporate card and visit up to over 100 of the top sports centres.